Monday, November 30, 2009

Chelsea Clinton engaged to boyfriend Marc Mezvinsky -- for real this time

November 30, 2009 | 9:36 am

Chelsea Chelsea Clinton has announced her engagement to longtime boyfriend Marc Mezvinsky -- via e-mail.

How Etiquette 2.0!

The Ministry means that in a good way -- this way we know it's for real, unlike the last time they "got engaged."

The text of the e-mail sent Friday, as reported by @jaketapper over at ABC News:

"We're sorry for the mass e-mail but we wanted to wish everyone a belated Happy Thanksgiving! We also wanted to share that we are engaged! We didn't get married this past summer despite the stories to the contrary, but we are looking toward next summer and hope you all will be there to celebrate with us. Happy Holidays! Chelsea & Marc."

Mezvinsky, whom she first met in D.C. and then got to know better at Stanford University before they began dating, also has political parents. Chelsea and Marc been dating since 2005 -- he's an investment banker now, and she's in grad school at Columbia University.

During the most recent presidential primaries, the former first daughter broke her policy of not speaking to the media (as was her practice since dad Bill Clinton was president), and campaigned for her mom, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The Ministry is pleased that Chelsea is respecting its completely arbitrary "Don't get married before you're 30" edict. She's 29 now, but with a February birthday she'll hit the Ministry's magic number in plenty of time for the ceremony.

We're guessing she has ignored our "Don't vote till you're 25" corollary, however.

We get a lot of heat for that one. Doesn't mean it's wrong.

Congrats to Chelsea and Marc!

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